Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)

When receiving specimens for research purposes from the Indiana Biobank, a “Material Transfer Agreement” between Indiana University and the receiving company/institution must be completed prior to the receipt of any specimens. The MTA defines the rights of the provider and the recipient with respect to the materials and any derivatives.

Steps to complete the Master Agreement

  1. Please forward this information along with a copy of the Master MTA to the office at your Institution responsible for review and official authorization of Material Transfer Agreements.

  2. When your MTA office has signed the Master MTA, please forward the partially executed agreement to

  3. The Indiana Biobank will complete the signature process and return a PDF copy of the fully executed Master MTA to the responsible parties.

Internal Transfer Agreement (ITA)

When researchers within Indiana University receive specimens from the Indiana Biobank an “Internal Transfer Agreement” must be completed. The “Internal Transfer Agreement” defines the agreement for the transfer or biological materials within Indiana University (between the Indiana Biobank and the Indiana University researcher recipient).

Steps to complete the Transfer Agreement

  1. Please download and sign the Internal Transfer Agreement.

  2. Send a copy to the Indiana Biobank at

  3. We will obtain the signature from the PI and provide them an executed copy of this document.

Data Use Agreement (DUA)

When sending omics data to researchers, a “Data Use Agreement” must be completed. The “Data Use Agreement” defines the terms of release of the data to researchers from the Indiana Biobank. The purpose of this document is to provide acknowledgement on the policies and procedures of how the data is to be used.

If you are internal to Indiana University:

  1. Please download and sign the Data Use Agreement.

  2. Send a copy to the Indiana Biobank at

If you are external to Indiana University:

  1. Please contact us to initiate the DUA process.